Tuesday, 30 July 2013

.... Doobie, Do-Be, Do !!

Have been introspecting of late, and since a new phase of life has just begun, a to-do list is necessary, ain't it? ;)
Some basic, some complicated... Tasks are tasks... And, here is my list of things I hope I get working on......

1. Drink lots of water:
So, here’s what........... I don’t understand the purpose of water. This tasteless, odourless, and colourless liquid has had me baffled about its importance ever since I began studying science. However, I have experienced how amazing, healthy, and weirdly cleansed of toxics I feel when I drink lots of water. And hello, my skin and hair show it too! Not that I eat/drink any tox, but the amount of chili and spices I consume daily must burn my li’l stomach up! Hence, I need desperately to drink lots, and lots, of water….
FYI… Acidity really gets the better of me, so a doctor once mentioned to me how half a lime squeezed into one litre of water is the best and most easy way to combat the devil. I’ve tried it, and I can’t even begin to tell you how magically it works. 

2. Be the “right-NOW” girl:
Well, I have this tendency of procrastinating small things about and for me that are important. Like say speaking/meeting a friend when I want to… One should call/meet as soon as one thinks of the darling friend, right? However, I usually wait till I miss the person unbearably, or unless it’s absolutely necessary for me to meet up.
A friend of mine adheres to this “let me finish this then I’ll go” theory for even visiting the washroom while working. Sorry dear pee, you can wait, work cannot! Phew!! So until it’s beyond control or her work is complete, no investing time in the loo.
God, don’t let me get there yet. :|

3. Be financial savvy:
Yes, Very Important… I wish I was smart with money. Or at least had the zest to learn. Alas, I’m a hopeless when it comes to keeping track of what dough comes from where, and where all it eventually goes… *sob sob*… I tried a couple of times, but well… errr…ummm…
Moving on… I’ve decided to save some money (only to spend all of it in one go :( ), and I’ve decided to maintain records of my daily expenditure. This feels like a New Year (and unachievable) Resolution diary entry suddenly. *hmph*

4. Not let people take advantage of me:
I feel sorry about this, but of late I’ve come to realize how some people only think of you when they need their work done. I may have been like that too, and I genuinely feel terrible if I have, ‘coz as much as you need friends and colleagues to fill in for you, help you with write-ups and presentations, listen to your emotional lows, they must also not just be contacted for such stuff. A random hello, and laughing at old jokes feels really nice. And thus, as much as I love knowing how much you need me, I’d like knowing how you’d still remember me on a normal other day. Point being, need to know when to put my foot down, and not get taken advantage of. 

5. Make and stick to routine:
I’m straying. Haven’t been to the gym in weeks, and I don’t even feel bad about it. Also, with my extremely irregular blog posts, you’ve kind of figured how good I am with routines, na? :P…. So that’s the thing I got to get good at. Being a regular. 

6. Experiment with fashion:
Clothes I’m good with. Bags and shoes too! But when it comes to accessories, tdinnnng it goes all so down!! I have a huge collection of accessories – earrings, belts, neckpieces, chunky and stunning bangles and cuffs, and on idle Sundays, I bring them out trying each piece, matching and contrasting them with my clothes. But when the time comes to actually step out wearing it, I feel I’m very over-dressed, or a tad too accessorized, and then… here comes the sad part… I go right back to my pearl or solitaire earrings, my dainty little neckpiece, and a watch. The rest is all put back in the box it came from. Need to experiment, don’t I? 

While I get going on my list, I’ll leave you to think of your to-do items…

So long then….

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