Thursday 12 June 2014

... Felt so "Liril".... La La La Laaa!! :P

Last (to last .. to last now) weekend was the perfect holiday any one could possibly have asked for. An adventurer especially! It wasn’t a trip I expected would bring me so much peace, fun and adrenaline; so, it did come as quite the surprise! 

Shivpuri is a tiny, picturesque village in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, surrounded by hills, and the beautiful sounds and sight of the calm Ganges. Oh, and it’s clean! Our forty-five minute journey from Dehradun Airport to our camp at Shivpuri was filled with unparalled views and perfect opportunities for click, click, click. However, we chose to laugh, play antakshari, and laugh some more.

Airport Selfie ;)

On our way to Camp Panther

Didn't know we'd be in one of these rapids ;)

The girls were a little worried, let me add, ‘coz we were told about the “loo-y” issues in tents – things like “you’d have to sing out loud if you don’t want your roomie unzipping the loo and walking in to your sounds and smell…” eew :S…. err… Well, much to our relief we were put up in villas (called huts at Panther Camp), with proper beds, AC, indoor and outdoor baths, and yes, you heard me sing, Dooooors!! LOL

Camp Panther
By the Pool... :):)

Day 1 was all about presentations (did I forget to mention this was an office offsite? :P), and with a 34 degree temperature outside, it felt no better than Bombay. ACs on in full swing, we managed to share some laughs on the really humourous serious business data. Later that night, a little trek downhill took us to the gorgeous beach side where we had our camp-fire under a zillion (visible) stars. Soothing sound of the Ganga and some live strumming of the guitar kept us company. A lot of Aashiqui 2 songs later, we went back to our beautiful huts for a great night’s sleep. The relaxing sound of Ganges lulled us to sleep.

Best Team Award

Day 2 started with some yummy breakfast at the Panther Camp – they have amazzzzzzing food there! With a whole bunch of us being a little scared and skeptical of the rafting exercise planned for the day, we signed our WeAreResponsibleForOurOwnDeathIfThatHappens forms. A ride reallllly uphill, a little walk down the scarrrrriest path ever, we were back at the surreal, serene, and silk in blue Ganga. She’s beautiful, you know!
Few in the team needed some pep-talk and prodding, but we wore our life jackets, and excitedly started our fabulous rafting experience. I loved every minute of it! The water was quite cold and it did take some guts to have it splashed on us. The best part, however, was when we jumped in into the gurgling rapids (minor one, really) and the sweet water sweetly hit us, and brought out our ear to ear smiles. It was lovely, refreshing, slightly fearful, and magically comforting - all at once. Well, mildly put, it was enchanting, and out of the world. (Now you get the “Liril” connection for the title?! Hehe…)
We went for Grade 3 rafting, uptil Three Blind Mice, and stopped just before Good Afternoon, at the same camp site as the previous night. After some fun-filled tug-of-war and beach volleyball, we went back to our huts, showered, slept a little, and came back out to do the Flying Fox. Now, apparently the day was quite windy, so we were divided into two groups. The lighter ones were asked to do the stunt (I’ll tell you why I call it that) the next day. I coyly waited back :P:P.
We swam, relaxed, clicked some pictures and generally enjoyed ourselves. True enjoyment, like actually being with people, not on our phones ;) !
Later that night we had some gambling rambling, cricket screening and lots of Bollywood dancing!

That SCARRRRRY Walk Down to the Rafts

All set to Raft

Oars and Moi ;)

The serene Ganges

Surreal Ganga

That water was COLD!!! :|

Does that even look like an "Office" offsite?!
The Cold Cold Ganges

Day 3 was a short one to be honest, ‘coz we had our flight back the same evening. However, I was yet to finish the Flying Fox “stunt”, so the left-over guys from the previous day, and the light ones *coy smile again* (LOL) went to experience the thrill of a life-time. Little did I expect to get that scared! No, really, this was SCARY!!! We were given instructions, and I told everyone who could listen to save me should anything happen to poor little helpless me!!! Phew!! Wore our gears, practiced at a small practice-zone, and went up to do the real thing. Mountain to mountain, Ganga in the middle of it! Hey Bhagwaan, sochne par bhi darr lag raha hai!! I shouted out to all the Gods and then zoooooooom I went. Perfect landing, beauty around and beneath, winds saying hello, all the jazz, and I was still dreading the journey back (it is via the cables again… cryyyy)….. Shouting to all the Gods again, I started coming back, and….. and….well and…. I kept turning like a little disco ball in those winds. Then, in the middle of it all, I got stuck! *can I curse everyone now*.… I had to do the “Khatron ke Khiladi” stunt of pulling my way back to destination (See pictures below), and all those idiots I asked should came and save me, kept saying “aa jaao madam… bas thoda aur”… In my head I was like“ Arrey gadho, koi toh aa kar mujhe bachaao!!!!”  Anyway, I did it… I landed back, and yes, you guessed it right, I’ll definitely do it again! Hehe…

Feeling Brave! Across the Ganges

Khatron ke Khiladi!! Phew!!!

"You didn't come to save me, you fool!!!" Grrr

Bas, fir kya… bags packed, we left the beautiful Shivpuri. Dehradoon airport welcomed us once again, and took us back to a rather stressed looking Mumbai.

I miss it already!!

All I want to say is, this was a blessed break. Fun-filled, relaxing, happy, truly divine kind of break! Go there some day, do all we did, much more, and you will come back and thank me, just how I am thanking the organizers!


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