Monday 22 July 2013

.... ABC…. And last comes Z!!

This theme comes from one of my favourite blogs – and is completely dedicated to me. He Ha Ha Ha!!! Told ya, it’s going to be a chic-y post this time. And the chosen “chic” is ME, Me, me! :P
When I saw this on Kim’s blog, I answered them all in my head. So now that I have my own blog, I thought “why not”. Here’s sharing a lot of me and the things I do. It’ll say some stuff that you’d never have guessed and some that are so obvious. Here goes…. A to Z about me. *toothy smile*

Adjective: The one I use most often is Amazzzzing!! (Yes I stretch it just like that when I truly feel something is all that good. Reminds you of the Caaaaar ad, anyone? LOL)

Bed Size: Massive. Mine is truly a “bed” room.

Chores that you hate doing: Anything to do with banks and bank documents. That’s my sister’s job! :p

Dogs or Cats: I'm definitely a cat person. They are sooooo regal and proud, like they own the world, you included! I also find dogs very cute. As far as they are clean and friendly!

Essential start to your day: A shower! I love them….. which is followed by getting ready in super speed (coz I always plan my mornings with cut-to-cut timings), and a nice bowl of hot milk and cornflakes. Also, I have this incessant need to smell good (what with my bitch sense of smell), and be around people who smell divine too. Hence a nice dab of perfume is essential as well.

Favorite color: Sea green and Coral. But when it comes to clothes, the whites and the blacks literally call out to me. I love them!

Gold or Silver: Gold, mostly. But certain things look beautiful in steel/silver. I’m kind of on the fence on this one.

Height: 5' 3 and 1/2"…… and how I wish I was a few inches taller. But then, God made Manolos and Louboutins :D

Instruments you play: Errr… Ummm… None. I wish I had learned the piano though. Still want to, and perhaps will, very soon! Hey, but then I can sing and I know dance… does that count? :p

Job title: LOL!!! Manager! Why I laugh, that’s a long story… so maybe we’ll discuss this in person :D

Knight in Shining Armour: If it’s anything like Batman, woo-hoo!! But yes, I admire chivalrous men who are dependable and help a woman. Sometimes we girls don’t want to ask, but just see if you’d help without making us feel stupid.

Live: I live in Bombay. And I’d want to live in London once. Yeah, that’s what I’d want.

Mc Donalds, M&Ms, Marshmallows, 
Manolos, Mango Ice-cream, My Sister, My Mommy, Milu, My Chachu, Magical Moments, and My Daddy: All the love!

Nicknames: Lavie, Lav (sounds like love), Lavi & Lovey, Lola, Latu, Lavu, Doofie, Dagny, Laeita, LK. Also, there are various affectionate names that my people call me (you don't think I'm really going to tell those, do you?)

Obsessions: Pedicures at Nail Bar & clean-ups at Blush, perfumes, pretty clothes, SHOES, bags, neatness and fragrance around me, organized desktop with perfect folder names and dates for each document, Coke, and Aamir Khan!! *do.not.judge…. LOL*

Pet peeves: Incorrect Grammar, and if my morning routine is disturbed. Also, not getting a rickshaw or a cab when I need one! The stubborn and dirtttty cows in my lane too!! Grrrrrr

Quote: “It is better to be looked over than to be over-looked!”

Reading: Currently am reading A Clash of Kings (Book 2 in the Game of Thrones series). For the books I’ve read and loved, here’s an entire blog post!

Siblings: I have an older sister who I cannot even breathe without. I love her. She is my life and my soul. If I had to sum up some of my feelings for her in one song, “Because you love me” would do it!

Time you wake up: 8am on weekdays, ‘coz of work, and 10am on weekends.

Underestimate: No one, really. But I do get underestimated a lot, and quite like surprising the idiots who do ;)
Oh and I remembered, I usually underestimate the bad in people. Need to learn to be clever!

Vegetable you hate: I don’t really hate any vegetable. Used to hate tomatoes before, but now it just depends on how the veggies are cooked and seasoned. I hate a lot of fruits though. Actually I hate all melons, wyaaak!

What makes you run late: Um, everything, and anything! LOL. Well, the whole idea of standing pretty and waiting for someone is not my thing at all, so I rather reach late. But yes, I’m quite jinxed with reaching on time. Except when there are important/ or client meetings! I never am late for those.

X-Rays: I’ve had a couple of medical check-ups, for no reason at all…. Well, as mandatory processes in school, and as joining formality at work!

Yummy food you make: Lots of good stuff! I like cooking and I personally think I’m a fabulous cook! Hahaha! On a serious note, I like making Italian food and desserts (especially chocolate fudge and mousse). I also make lotsa fun sandwiches and starters, but cannot cook basic Indian food. At All. Dal-Rice type… :(

Zoo Animals: Lion!!! My absolute favourite, but not in a zoo haan. They aren’t meant for those cages. The majestic, beautiful and utterly clever kings! My mom tells me I always screamed “Lionnnn” as my favourite animal even when I was in Kindergarten. Some preferences never change ;)

That’s the A-Z about me. Tell me yours now! :D


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